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Ysgol Hen Felin

Ysgol Hen Felin

Complex Needs/Sensory

At Ysgol Hen Felin, we recognise that each child is unique with a range of different needs, we aim to provide a personal approach to each child's learning.

The sensory curriculum at Ysgol Hen Felin recognises that learning takes place through the senses and focuses on developing the learners to become aware of themselves, others, the environment around them and to begin to respond, interact and learn.

The curriculum is personalised and flexible in order to be responsive to the needs of the individual. The sensory curriculum incorporates learning, therapy, health needs and well-being, values development and celebrates each and every achievement. Learning is delivered through a range of opportunities incorporating smell, touch, taste, hearing, vision, and movement/balance in appropriate but vibrant ways in order to concrete the learning.

We have a wide range of resources to support the sensory curriculum such as;

Switch access technology

Sensory rooms

Touch Therapy sessions

Relaxation sessions

Rebound Therapy

Hydro pool

Flexibounce Therapy


Intensive Interaction

A sensory approach to meet individual needs of pupils ensures a broad and balanced curriculum.

The specific needs of individuals are met by a modified sensory style being employed with constant consideration being given to individual targets and the mobility and sensory skills available.

Every pupil is provided with experiences to enhance and support their learning opportunities and reach their full learning potential in a stimulating learning environment.